In the last few years, with information technology making its way into the life of youth in Mizoram, we see a number of Mizo-based websites being created and launched. Some die young after a year or so, some became stagnant without any updates, and some became popular. But I noticed most of these are excerpt-like, jokes-like, comments-like blogs or websites except for Also, most of them are Lusei-based (as a language) content with English entries sometimes. Well, that is fine. It’s part of strengthening a language among the generations in one way.
But I do wonder why Mizoram daily newspapers, especially English dailies, haven't make their online presence felt. had recently started its English version of its news broadcasting. Among the regional language daily newspapers in Mizoram, seems to be doing fine too.
Just thinking out loud, I am wondering whether the absence of Mizoram newspapers on the Internet may be due to monetary constrain or lack of technical support or due to the ground reality that IT is still at its infant stage in Mizoram and it is yet to make its proper impact?
If we look at Mizoram’s neighbouring States in the Northeast, Mizoram really need to think of something to do about it as development in such area also portrays a State’s development status in some way. In Assam there is The Sentinel and The Assam Tribune which are updated daily, in Manipur - The Sangai Express and Imphal Free Press, in Meghalaya - The Shillong Times, in Nagaland – Morung Express and The Nagaland Post, in Sikkim – The Sikkim Express and Sikkim Reporter, in Tripura – none, in Arunachal Pradesh – The Arunachal Times!
I have this daily addiction - I regularly scan and retrieve news from most of the Northeast States from the above websites or through Newrack. Other than the interests I have, my addiction is also related to the work I do at an NGO where I am currently working. I keep track on issues pertaining to Dams, Development, Trade, Environment, Finance, Oil & Minings, Livelihood, Forests, Policies & Governance, etc in North East India for research materials.
As daily newspapers, magazines and other media are useful resources to keep tracks on such things, it becomes more helpful when the content you retrieve is in English. Also, English-based websites are one useful way of promoting one's rich culture, traditions, events, etc and State to the whole world, it would really help many if someone in Mizoram could take this initiative.
Chp 908. Reunion venue!
Welcome back! So after two nights of madness in Bangalore, it was finally
time to head for our reunion.
It was still unreal to think that 25 years had go...
1 week ago
Indeed, Mizoram needs a daily news paper online. I want to suggest one simple steps to this writer. You statrt your own website and make a deal with a daily news papers from Mizoram and make them send to you everyday or make them post by themself life the Zogam.Com do.
agreed :)
ain't it spam
Gud Idea..!! i guess they have one...but not online news.
wow Thanks for your information.
I am also interested in latest news, sometimes i posted on my
Web Development
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