I am not a graphic designer. But I do like playing around with colours and retouching them photos with Photoshop. It is one those things I indulged myself in when I get bored. When I get bored doing that too, I would be busy shifting it to imitating websites that intrigues me. For designing layouts of websites, I usually use either a Textpad or the most powerful (personally) WYSIWYG HTML Editor – Dreamweaver. I prefer Textpad to the simple Notepad for reasons that it has more features, which the Notepad doesn’t have. If somebody is to ask me why I imitate websites? Well, it improves my web designing skills and also, it helps me in the creativity department that give me more new designing ideas. Sometimes I get so engrossed to these passions that I would be sitting in front of this plastic like box for more than 15-18 hours a day without leaving my sit unless absolutely necessary. The addiction is really a thing to reconsider.
I think I am a little bit off-track now -– like I said I am not a graphic designer. But knowing my passion, one close friend asked me to design a CD Album Cover for the latest album of a popular and unique ‘Sinlung Rock & Roll’ Singer – Laltuoklien. The album was to be his third. The friend provided me a number of still photos of the singer, that I scanned. The photos were shot by Naresh Suri, photographer of North East SUN fortnightly magazine. I was on a time limit and I had only two days to design the cover. It took me a night to visualise, imagine and remagine the design before actually working on it. I had to final touch the cover design using a laptop and it was tough as I am not used to it for these kind of works (I prefer Desktop. Laptops are not suitable at all for me for that kind of works). And finally here is the what came out of the work:
Chp 908. Reunion venue!
Welcome back! So after two nights of madness in Bangalore, it was finally
time to head for our reunion.
It was still unreal to think that 25 years had go...
6 days ago
That's awesome work!
Incidentally..wanna help me make a nice new template for my blog? heh :PP
thanks and sure! sorry cud not reply sooner... was infected with the famous and compulsary delhi disease! argh!!
It's not half as bad as you think it is...
btw, from your enthusiasm at hmar.net being #1 on ur top NE sites list, you've got me curious... did you design that or is it just because you are hmar?
correct me if I'm wrong... hmar.net used to link/be the HSA website? if so, I loved the design on that one, with the ngotekherh puan design on it.
Hello Gilly,
Thanks for your comment! It is not my only enthusiasm to claim that the Hmar.net topped the 'PageRanking' by Google. It is so as you can (by yourself) check it out over by visiting this LINK - CASCANDRA.COM and test and check it out. Maybe those who are behind CASCANDRA.COM and maybe the owner of GOOGLE.COM is a HMAR (If you insist the truth that I wrote is just a bogus claim just because I am a Hmar and Hmar.net is incidentally designed, developed and maintained by me with other volunteers). The curiosity is well deserved as it is the same at my end. :-o
If you are correct when you said that the HMAR.NET of BEFORE used to be the website of the Delhi HSA. During those times, I run HMAR.ORG but as HMAR.ORG faced some difficulties (regarding domain issues with its webhost), I had to discontinue it. If I am not wrong, HMAR.ORG had the Google PageRank of 4 then (That was two-three years back). And fortunately (for Hmar.org), the Hmar.net run by the HSA Delhi expired and was discontinued. I inquired and requested the HSA in Delhi whether it would be fine that I take over the domain of Hmar.net if the HSA Delhi will not be continuing in re-acquiring the expired domain name. Having taken the permission (actually [in my understanding] when a domain name expired, it is the rights of any person to acquire the domain name and they owned it if they paid for it -- of course unless there is a trademark issue). Cheers.
great to know. thanks. lemme know when u guys get back online.
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